Our wedding
Janet and I will formalise our commitment to each other with two celebrations this year.
The official registration will be a civil ceremony in Australia at the Bowral Country Club on Saturday November 12, at 5:30pm. Details of the venue are on this web site: http://www.bowralcountryclub.com.au Accommodation for guests is available next door to the country club at the Golfview Lodge Motel. The web site for the motel is here: http://www.highlandsnsw.com.au/golfview/
The second celebration will be a party and banquet on the Saturday evening of December 17, starting at 7:00pm at The Grand Stage, which is situated in the top floor of the Western Markets in Sheung Wan, near Central in Hong Kong.
RSVP: Please email Craig at craig@alkiratech.com